We gather statistics and other information about the usage of our website, such as the number of times each Web page was loaded into visitors’ browsers and visitors’ domain IP addresses (identifying numbers assigned to servers or computers used to access the Internet), in order to review how our website is used and how it might be improved, and to ensure site security.
We do not knowingly gather or use information from children without their parents consent. We are not responsible for data collected by or privacy practices of non-affiliated parties to which our website may link. You can view more information about the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) by visiting the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) website at:Â www.ftc.gov.
If you use Online Banking, Business Cash Management, or Bill Pay systems, you may send us various kinds of information, depending on the services you use: for example, you may send us log-in information (User ID and User Password), information about the content of reports and data you request, and information about your accounts and transactions you wish to perform, such as funds transfers, stop payments and check orders. We use the information you send us to respond to your requests, and we will maintain customary records of any resulting banking transactions. We may retain any messages or information you send us for reference in connection with current or future inquiries and transactions, for internal administrative purposes (including data backup) and, in some instances, to fulfill legal requirements.
We may place a temporary “cookie” (a small element of data) on your computer to help identify you and provide you with customized information when you use certain features of our Online Banking, Business Cash Management or Bill Pay systems. A cookie does not retrieve data from your computer or carry viruses. Cookies help us keep track of your preferences and recognize return visitors. You may reject cookies, however when you login to online banking you will be challenged to provide additional indentifying information.
CalPrivate Bank does not sell customer information gathered through our website to third parties for the purpose of marketing their products or services. However, we may contact you to inform you about services and products that we offer, and we may retain third parties to assist us in doing so. We have written policies that require Bank team members to keep customer information confidential and use it only for legitimate Bank purposes.
If you send us an e-mail message or an inquiry through our website, the information you send (including your e-mail address and other identifying information in the message header) will be forwarded to the appropriate employee within CalPrivate Bank for response. We use the information you send us to respond to your requests, and we will maintain customary records of any resulting banking transactions.
CalPrivate Bank does not make your e-mail address or any other information you furnish by e-mail or through our website (including information you furnish when you use Online Banking, Business Cash Management or Bill Pay systems) available without your consent to companies or persons not affiliated with the Bank, except as follows: